Mighty Arenal

Mighty Arenal

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We made it!

The view from our road
Adam and I have made it and are getting settled in. The weather is perfect. The rainy season is over. It hasn't rained in three days and we won't be seeing any more clouds until May.

The trek from San Jose to was interesting to say the least. Once we got off the plane we were picked up by Budget to get our car and made a quick trip to Wal-Mart. Once we got out on the highway, it was pretty easy to navigate. Adam downloaded Costa Rica maps for the Garmin. I have little faith in GPSs and as expected, we were taken off the main highway and down some country roads past some little towns. Originally, it estimated we would arrive at 6:15, but we're on Tico time now, so it was more like 9:30.

But the detour allowed me to buy the biggest bag of mamon chinos ever, my new favorite fruit.

Our neighborhood is adorably quaint. It's comprised most of Ticos and other Latin Americans. We have cows and horses across the street from the house.



And El Salvador has an AA meeting place.

I named him Willie Poole and he's a permanent fixture

We have also learned that you share your residence with bugs and geckos. You get used to it really quick. (The ants are so big you can literally see their eyes.)

We are currently searching for a car- they are beyond ridiculously priced here. We're looking at two late 1980s models and they in the $4000 range. We should have a washer next week, but no dryer- those are luxuries.

Available at Auto Mercado
For those of you who think we are roughing it, I'd hardly be concerned. San Jose has Wal-Marts, Hooters, Ashley Furniture and an IMAX. Sure some of the roads aren't paved where we are, but we live about 300m from an Apple store.

Last night Sarah took us out to the opening of a discoteca in Playa Potrero and the place was hopping. Every other song was a Zumba song so you know I was loving it. The highlight of the evening though was when a 5 piece drum ensemble showed up and rocked it. I'm pretty damn sure one guy was jamming out on a coffee tin and one drummer blew a whistle. I would have taken a picture, but we were all too busy going nuts and dancing.

We went exploring down one of our roads today and made nice with some Ticas- Maria, Maria y Jenette. I look forward to practicing Spanish with them.

After meeting them, we got stuck in traffic jam and had to clear the road. ------------>

There are a lot of wonderful people and sights to see. We look forward to having our friends come down and visit! We're hiking to a Castle in the woods some time this week and we may hit up Rincon de la Vieja- the closest volcano too. Stay tuned for more. Pura vida mis amigos!